Friday, July 30, 2010

The Struggle with Sin: A Prayer

God of infinite mercy,

I am greatly distressed. My deeds have again revealed my true condition to myself. I am foul and unclean. How can I enter into your presence? You are so pure and bright. Your righteousness is a bright light that burns me. The difference in our natures makes fellowship impossible to me. Yet I desire to be restored to your presence.

And then You show Your Wisdom. You have sent your Son to suffer and die for us, for me. When I am hiding in the bushes You have sought me and comforted me with His blood. For Jesus said, "Look! Put your fingers in my hands. Put your hand here in my side." Thus, You have clothed me with Jesus' righteousness.

Therefore, I will resist temptation. And when I fail, (as I inevitably will) I will trust in You to restore our fellowship. Gracious Father, I sing your praise. Thank you for so merciful treatment.


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