Sunday, July 25, 2010

Divorce and Remarriage in the Bible (Part 1)

So a friend of mine is going through a divorce. I feel the need to put into words what I believe that the Bible teaches about divorce and remarriage. God's opinion on this subject is very clear in the Bible:

1) The Bible teaches that God hates divorce. (Malachi 2:16)
2) Jesus said that there is only one reason for to divorce. (Matt 5:32) That reason being unchastity a translation of the greek word "pornea."
3) After a divorce, (except for "pornea") if a person remarries they commit adultery. (Matt 19:9)

Most of the divorce and remarriage issue is very simple. People try to make it complex to suit their personal desires.

Understanding the meaning of unchastity will require some further discussion.

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