Friday, July 30, 2010

The Struggle with Sin: A Prayer

God of infinite mercy,

I am greatly distressed. My deeds have again revealed my true condition to myself. I am foul and unclean. How can I enter into your presence? You are so pure and bright. Your righteousness is a bright light that burns me. The difference in our natures makes fellowship impossible to me. Yet I desire to be restored to your presence.

And then You show Your Wisdom. You have sent your Son to suffer and die for us, for me. When I am hiding in the bushes You have sought me and comforted me with His blood. For Jesus said, "Look! Put your fingers in my hands. Put your hand here in my side." Thus, You have clothed me with Jesus' righteousness.

Therefore, I will resist temptation. And when I fail, (as I inevitably will) I will trust in You to restore our fellowship. Gracious Father, I sing your praise. Thank you for so merciful treatment.


Sunday, July 25, 2010

Divorce and Remarriage in the Bible (Part 1)

So a friend of mine is going through a divorce. I feel the need to put into words what I believe that the Bible teaches about divorce and remarriage. God's opinion on this subject is very clear in the Bible:

1) The Bible teaches that God hates divorce. (Malachi 2:16)
2) Jesus said that there is only one reason for to divorce. (Matt 5:32) That reason being unchastity a translation of the greek word "pornea."
3) After a divorce, (except for "pornea") if a person remarries they commit adultery. (Matt 19:9)

Most of the divorce and remarriage issue is very simple. People try to make it complex to suit their personal desires.

Understanding the meaning of unchastity will require some further discussion.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Piping Hot Summer Drummer 2010

The boys and I traveled to Canada for bagpipe camp. It is called Piping Hot Summer Drummer and is put on by one of our favorite pipebands, The Simon Fraser University Pipe Band or SFU for short. There is excellent instruction here from accomplished pipers from all over the world. I can tell that the boys are getting excited about their pipes again.

I am not taking any classes myself. I spend the days hiking, cooking meals, reading, taking photos, exploring the web, etc. It has been a good time for me as well.

Hiking alone in the forest, I find myself communing with the LORD. He reveals his creativity in the simplest things. To view a small fly on a flower is to a small miracle when you consider the extreme complexity of the systems that are contained in those creations. I stop as I pass by and pause to snap a picture. And then I am on my way again. The fly remains along with a million others. The humming of their tiny wings raises praise the their Creator.