King Manasseh is described in the Bible as one of the most evil kings over Judah. I remember, as a young boy growing up in Sunday School, Manasseh was held up as the example of Evil. He was an idolater and a sorcerer. He spoke with spirits. He sacrificed his sons to the Molech and murdered many innocent people. As recorded in the book of 2 Chronicles 33, he..."misled Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem to do more evil that the nations whom the LORD destroyed before the sons of Israel."
And then I was reading the other day and came across this passage..."When he (Manasseh) was in distress, he entreated the LORD his God and humbled himself greatly...and He (God) was moved by his entreaty and heard his supplication."
Then I rejoiced, seeing the great mercy of God. That even a wicked king as Manasseh can receive forgiveness from the Almighty. Manasseh serves us today as a witness to God's patience and love. If God is willing to show mercy to such an evil person, then He is willing to show it to me. Because in my heart, I am a manasseh.
Praise be to the Living God, who gives life and breath to His creation. He patiently endures the insults of our actions and has mercy on those He chooses. What a privilege to receive that mercy!
Grandma has a family lesson on Manasseh at: